Early Voting Underway in 5 States: When and How to Vote Early in Your State

Infographic showing early voting start dates and methods for all 50 states and Washington D.C. for the 2024 election.

Advance voting intervals have officially launched in five states, with additional states poised to initiate throughout October. Understanding the particulars of your state's regulations is vital if you're aiming to engage in this process.

Nearly every state provides inhabitants with alternatives enabling them to cast ballots before Election Day on Nov. 5, but these alternatives fluctuate considerably in terms of commencement date, durations, and accessible methods, contingent upon the state. A select few states don't even offer the option for all residents to vote early, restricting it to those with an approved justification. Examine the map below for specifics about each state's advance voting procedure, and continue reading for a more comprehensive analysis.

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Advance voting garnered renewed focus during the initial year of the COVID-19 pandemic, when the 2020 presidential contest was at its peak. Approximately 70% of the 154.6 million Americans who participated in that race did so prior to Election Day -- either in person or via mail -- with nearly 50% also doing so during the 2022 midterms, indicating that the heightened advance voting trend might persist.

For additional election-related information, explore how you can locate your voter registration online and where each presidential contender stands on the child tax credit

What constitutes advance voting?

While it may be referred to by different terms depending on the state, "advance voting" denotes the process that allows you to submit your ballot prior to Election Day. 

Some states label it in-person advance voting, which enables you to visit a specific polling location and cast your vote in a manner akin to how you'd vote in person on Election Day. 

Other states refer to it as in-person absentee voting, which permits you to visit a designated office, request an absentee ballot for any reason, complete it, and submit it during the same visit. This may also be termed no-excuse absentee voting, signifying that any registered voter can utilize it for any reason. Every state, even the few without other advance voting options, provide absentee voting for those with eligible justifications, such as serving in the military or attending school away from home.

As the advance voting page for the National Conference of State Legislatures notes, these two methods ultimately feel quite similar for voters in practice.

What about all-mail voting?

A small number of states and Washington, DC, conduct their elections under an all-mail system, meaning that every registered voter receives a mailed ballot that they can complete and return by Election Day. These states also offer other advance voting alternatives should their voters desire them for any reason, so it's advisable to contact your local election office for details about those options.

When does advance voting begin in my state?

Below, we have more detailed information about the process, categorized by state, based on voting data collected by the NCSL. As a reminder, requesting an absentee ballot by mail is available universally for registered voters with eligible justifications. Below, you'll find another interactive map illustrating which states have initiated their advance voting periods.

As of Sept. 26, advance voting intervals have commenced in South Dakota, Vermont, Illinois, Minnesota and Virginia, with the latter two being considered pivotal swing states for presidential elections. For each of these states, these periods will extend all the way through Election Day. In Vermont, an all-mail state, ballots will be dispatched to residents no later than Oct. 1. The remaining states and DC join the progression over the course of the next month.

Alabama: No early voting, only absentee voting with an approved excuse.

Alaska: In-person absentee voting. Begins Oct. 21 in most places and lasts until Election Day. Contact your local election supervisor's office to confirm any potential differences.

Arizona: In-person absentee voting. Begins Oct. 9 everywhere and lasts until Nov. 1, the Friday before Election Day. This end date can vary under certain circumstances so check with your local election office.

Arkansas: In-person early voting begins Oct. 21 and lasts until Nov. 4, the day before Election Day.

California: The state has all-mail voting, with other early voting options. Early period begins Oct. 7 and runs until Election Day.

Colorado: All-mail voting, with in-person early voting options. Early period begins Oct. 21 and lasts until Nov. 4, the day before Election Day.

Connecticut: The state has in-person early voting. Begins Oct. 21 and lasts until Nov. 3, the Sunday before Election Day.

Delaware: The state has in-person early voting. Begins Oct. 25 and lasts until Nov. 3, the Sunday before Election Day.

District of Columbia: All-mail voting, with in-person early voting options. Early period begins Oct. 28 and lasts until Nov. 3, the Sunday before Election Day.

Florida: In-person early voting. Begins as early as Oct. 26 and may run to Nov. 2, the Sunday before Election Day, but dates can vary by county. Contact your local election office for details. 

Georgia: In-person early voting. Begins Oct. 15 and last until Nov. 1, the Friday before Election Day.Hawaii: All-mail voting, with early in-person options. Early period lasts from Oct. 22 until Election Day.

Idaho: In-person absentee voting, but only in some counties. Begins Oct. 21 and lasts until Nov. 1, the Friday before Election Day. Contact your local election office to confirm early voting options.

Illinois: Early in-person voting. Begins Sept. 26 and lasts until Nov. 4, the day before Election Day.

Indiana: In-person absentee voting. Begins Oct. 8 and lasts until Nov. 4, the day before Election Day.

Iowa: In-person absentee voting. Begins Oct. 16 and lasts until Nov. 4, the day before Election Day.

Kansas: In-person absentee voting. Begins Oct. 16 and lasts until Nov. 4, the day before Election Day.

Kentucky: In-person absentee voting. Begins Oct. 31 and lasts until Nov. 2, the Saturday before Election Day.

Louisiana: Early in-person voting. Begins Oct. 18 and lasts until Oct. 29, one week before Election Day.

Maine: In-person absentee voting. Begins Oct. 6 and lasts until Oct. 31, the Thursday before Election Day.

Maryland: Early in-person voting. Begins Oct. 24 and lasts until Oct. 31, the Thursday before Election Day.

Massachusetts: Early in-person voting. Begins Oct. 19 and lasts until Nov. 1, the Friday before Election Day.

Michigan: Early in-person voting. Begins Oct. 26 and lasts until Nov. 3, the Sunday before Election Day. 

Minnesota: In-person absentee voting. Begins Sept. 20 and lasts until Nov. 4, the day before Election Day.

Mississippi: No early voting; only absentee voting with an approved excuse. Absentee period begins Sept. 23 and lasts until Nov. 2, the Saturday before Election Day.

Missouri: Early absentee voting. The time frame begins earlier for those with an approved absentee excuse: Sept. 17. No Excuse absentee period begins Oct. 22. Both periods end on Nov. 4, the Monday before Election Day.

Montana: Early absentee voting. Begins Oct. 7 and lasts until noon on Nov. 4, the day before Election Day.

Nebraska: Early in-person voting. Begins Oct. 7 and lasts until Nov. 4, the day before Election Day.

Nevada: All-mail voting, with other early voting options. Early period begins Oct. 12 and lasts until Nov. 1, the day before Election Day.

New Hampshire: No early voting options only absentee voting with an approved excuse.

New Jersey: Early in-person voting. Begins Oct. 26 and lasts until Nov. 3, the Sunday before Election Day.

New Mexico: Early in-person voting. Begins Oct. 8 and lasts until Election Day.

New York: Early in-person voting. Begins Oct. 26 and lasts until Nov. 3, the Sunday before Election Day.

North Carolina: Early in-person voting. Begins Oct. 17 and lasts until Nov. 2, the Saturday before Election Day.

North Dakota: Early in-person voting. Begins at least 15 days prior to Election Day, but the time frame varies across the state and prospective voters should contact their local election office to confirm.

Ohio: In-person absentee voting. Begins Oct. 8 and lasts until 5 p.m. on Nov. 3, the Sunday before Election Day.

Oklahoma: In-person absentee voting. Begins Oct. 30 and lasts until Nov. 2, the Saturday before Election Day.

Oregon: All-mail voting, with other early voting options. Early period begins Oct. 31 and last through Election Day, with election officials planning to mail ballots to all registered voters between Oct. 16 and Oct. 18.

Pennsylvania: In-person absentee voting. Begins as early as four weeks prior to Election Day and lasts until Election Day. The exact time varies by area, so contact your local election office to confirm.

Rhode Island: In-person absentee voting. Begins Oct. 16 and lasts until Nov. 4, the day before Election Day.

South Carolina: Early in-person voting. Begins Oct. 21 and lasts until Nov. 2, the Saturday before Election Day.

South Dakota: In-person absentee voting. Begins Sept. 20 and lasts until 5 pm on Nov. 4, the day before Election Day.

Tennessee: Early in-person voting. Begins Oct. 16 and lasts until Oct. 31, the Thursday before Election Day.

Texas: Early in-person voting. Begins Oct. 21 and lasts until Nov. 1, the Friday before Election Day.

Utah: All-mail voting, with other early voting options. Early period begins Oct. 22 and lasts until Nov. 1, the Friday before Election Day.

Vermont: All-mail voting, with other early voting options. Ballots sent out no later than Oct. 1, and you can submit through Election Day.

Virginia: In-person absentee voting. Begins Sept. 20 and lasts through Election Day.

Washington: All-mail voting, with other early options. Early period begins Oct. 18 and lasts through Election Day.

West Virginia: In-person early voting. Begins Oct. 23 and lasts until Nov. 2, the Saturday before Election Day.

Wisconsin: In-person absentee voting. Begins Oct. 22 and lasts until Nov. 3, the Sunday before Election Day.

Wyoming: In-person absentee voting. Begins Oct. 8 and lasts until Nov. 4, the day before Election Day.
